Fat Cats Go Down Alleys Eating Bacon is the order of the sharps, and also is the key to your circle of 5ths. I would write that out (F♯CGDAEB) of on a piece of paper. The key of C has zero sharps, so put a 0 above C. The next scale that has only 1 sharp is G, so put a one above G. D has 2, A has 3, E has 4, etc. So using FCGDAEB you can know both the order of the sharps as well as the circle of 5ths for the sharps.
Broo did u make this?
If you did great job its more than Good its Awesome...Heres a crown for you
The three elements of music are rhythm, melody, and harmony
the study of the properties of moving air and the interaction between the air and solid bodies moving through it.