Answer: just get your parents to double check it and fix your spelling errors etc and turn in your final draft
County Medical Center
These unrestricted contributions of $22,000 used to support general services would be reported on the statement of cash flows as:
cash from operating activities.
Unrestricted contributions received by the County Medical Center are funds or other assets given to the Center with no restriction on their use. Unrestricted contributions are usually directed at the funding of operational expenses, as the County Medical Center demonstrated. Therefore, they are listed under operating activities in the Statement of Cash Flows.
A sole proprietor is a person who owns, manage, finance and organize a business firm.
It refers to an individual who owns a business that has not been registered as a business entity. Such business includes partnership, limited liability company (LLC) and a corporation.
A sole proprietor is responsible for decision making process of his business and also bears the burden of profit, loss and tax alone.
An independent contractor is an individual who works for another individual. An independent contractor provides services to another person but he is not an employee of the other person. An independent contractor is a self employed person who provides professional services to a business organzation.
He is paid based on the amount of work done. Examples of independent contractor includes graphics designer, data analyst, web designer or IT expert.
Answer:A) one year
Explanation: The unbiased expectations theory, also known as the expectation theory aims to estimate how much the short term interest rates will amount to in future. This is based on long term interest rates. Forward rates are used to predict the value of interests in the future based on the values calculated today. A maturity of 1 year has the lowest interest rate because it is not given enough time to grow. Interest rates tend to grow better over a longer period of time. Therefore in terms of expectation theory the longer the maturity the better the chances of interest rate growth.
Answer:3cm radio for each circular end. 12.56cm height.
Those dimensions cost is 0.01261usd per can.
Lower radio or higher radio make can more expensive.