In the late 1800s, the growth of the railroad led to Midwestern cities like Minneapolis and Cleveland becoming industrial centers. The Midwest soon become a leading center of industry in the late 1800s. With immigrants coming in, half of them went to the Midwest to look for a job in the factories.
The following three principal provisions were ordained in the document: (1) a division of the Northwest Territory into "not less than three nor more than five States"; (2) a three-stage method for admitting a new state to the Union—with a congressionally appointed governor, secretary, and three judges to rule in the first phase; an elected assembly and one nonvoting delegate to Congress to be elected in the second phase, when the population of the territory reached "five thousand free male inhabitants of full age"; and a state constitution to be drafted and membership to the Union to be requested in the third phase when the population reached 60,000; and (3) a bill of rights protecting religious freedom, the right to a writ of habeas corpus, the benefit of trial by jury, and other individual rights. In addition the ordinance encouraged education and forbade slavery.
Answer: The colonists had never accepted the constitutionality of the duty on tea, and the Tea Act rekindled their opposition to it. Their resistance culminated in the Boston Tea Party on December 16, 1773, in which colonists boarded East India Company ships and dumped their loads of tea overboard.
Explanation: This is the answer to question 6, hope this helps!
Answer: The British response to the Boston Tea Party was to impose even more stringent policies on the Massachusetts colony. The Coercive Acts levied fines for the destroyed tea, sent British troops to Boston, and rewrote the colonial charter of Massachusetts, giving broadly expanded powers to the royally appointed governor.
Explanation: This is long but turn it into your own words, this answer question 7 i think
Answer: Colonists showed their opposition to British control of the frontier by disobeying the proclamation. Colonists showed their opposition to the imposition of new taxes by starting riots and protesting.
Explanation: Answer to question 5, hope this helps you! :)
At this time, the United States and the Soviet Union were still allies. They seem to be in an agreement to promote peace in the world after World War II. They also appear to be united in allowing different nations to elect their own governments without any pressure or intervention from foreign powers.
Cause: Stock Market Crash = People lost jobs and stocks in the market
Cause: Bank Failures = People have no money, no food, and no clothing