Well the silk road was in Asia during the Western Han Dynasty which was around 207 B.C. to 9 A.D. One of the dangers was it was kinda illegal. As for the 2 goods you traded probably would be gold, jade, tea and spices. Beilef as in Religion it could be Hindu or Buddism and other variations of the 2.
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Specific bird species lived in and around the swamp and millions in the southern United States probably has more people who South East Windsor cloud over 10 Brewster is this game these birds simulator the most likely reason for the birds disappearance these birds simulator the most likely reason for the birds disappearance
specific bird species lived in and around the swamp and millions in the southern United States probably has more people who South East Windsor cloud o
History was a driving force behind such migration, since humans tended to move to new territory when they lacked food, shelter, or other resources--meaning that most of the conflicts throughout history have been driven by the same forces that drove migration out of Africa.