Many of washingtons men would no longer be obligated to fight due to the provisional enlistments that typically lasted for no longer than a year. Many of them had already decided they had done their part and since moral was low at this time, it was expected a lot of men would stop fighting on January 1st. Because of this, he wanted to attack while he still had the men to have more power and also boost morale among the men who would potentially be leaving
Now I'm not sure what you specifically need here, but I'll do my best.
Missiles Launched from Both North and South Korea
Resistance Group Stand Up to Taliban
Womens Rights Challenged in Afghanistan
New Government Announced in Lebanon
Apparent Coup in Guinea
The Taliban Continue to Advance
Bombing in Somalia
Terrorist Attack in New Zealand
Afghanistan on the Verge of Economic Collapse
Coronavirus Updates
I hope this is what you were looking for!
There are events that have happened recently all over the world.
I believe the answer is democracy ^^