It's hard understand each individual person considering the fact they are in large groups of people
Even though it might be the same subject or topic each person has their own personal equality that separates them from the group
Hope this helps
This one time I was walking upstairs to go to my class and I started running so I would'nt be late. So when i was running up the stairs I tripped and with me tripped 2 other kids that we're infront of me luckily I did'nt hurt myself. I was late to class because of what had happened. Just when I thought things couldn't get anyworse I was walking into class and the teacher screamed at me I got scared and farted infront of the whole class. Everybody laughed at me while i was standing there embrassed i didn't talk or look at anyone for the rest of the class.
I would say the at the age of 16
if a person can work at the age of 16 then they should be allow to drive to their work to support themselves.
A. Be careful and alert.
In Sherwood Anderson's short story "Departure", George Willard was on his way out of the town to try his luck in the big city. And by taking the long process of detailing the departure of George, the narrator also seems to suggest the fact that young people leaving the town was nothing unusual.
In paragraph 9, George recalled his father's words to <em>"be a sharp one"</em>. He can clearly remember his father telling him to be careful and not lose his money. The father's words mean that George should be careful and alert of the people around him during his train journey and also in his start of a new life chasing his dreams in the city.
Thus, the correct answer is option A.
A colon suggests that there will be a list that will follow it. Using the words 'such as', 'for example', and 'including' in a sentence also directs the attention of the reader to a list. It will be redundant to use a colon after the word 'including' in a sentence.