Jump of a bridge at night
why though?
They are examples of Modernism
<u>Modernism </u>is the philosophy and art style that was introduced in the Western countries around the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. Its central point is new types and forms of expression, experimentation in art, and revelation of individualism. In visual arts, it puts the accent on the symbolism, formalism, and modernity, often delving into the urban themes.
Painting <em>Nighthawks </em>by Edward Hopper is one of the most recognizable and famous art pieces of the modernism movement. <u>In this work, he inspects modern urban space.</u>
Stuart David does the same on his painting <em>House and Street,</em> although in a very different style.<u> David’s painting is much more vibrant and abstract, reminding us of collage. </u>
However, <u>both paintings are part of the same modernist movement, as they both were the key pieces for expressing new ideas, exploring new techniques and designs through the various forms and symbolism.</u>
Characters operate within the constraints of their circumstances. Two characters that may otherwise be friends may be turned against each other by mutually exclusive objectives or hostile circumstances. For example, Mercutio and Thibeault in "Romeo and Juliet" display similar values and would perhaps have gotten along, were they not allied with warring families.
George and Lenny in Of Mice and Men also display an interesting relationship. They are very different, but in need of one another in unique ways. They are both in difficult economic circumstances, and have disproportionate advantages (George's intellect, Lenny's strength).
The circumstances characters are in dictates, to an extent, the relationship between characters, because it dictates whether the characters offer an facilitation or obstacle to one another's objectives. Even within a play, a change in the situation and thus the calculus of the characters can change the dynamic between them.
A vectorizing represent an image using lines to construct the outlines of objects.
Vectorization or tracing is the process of taking a bitmap image and re-drawing it as a vector image. The shapes in vector images allow computers to do things that cannot be done with bitmap images, like scale them to any size without loss of quality and using them to e.g. cut, sew, paint, and laser engrave.
lo siento, pero necesito una foto o algo porque no entiendo la pregunta perdón