The chief characteristics of lyric poetry are-
1. Shortness
Generally lyric poetry is short in nature. Sonnets are best examples of shortness of lyric poetry. But there are some long lyric too like Ode to the West Wind, The Raven etc.
2. Simplicity
Simplicity is a prominent feature of a good lyric. Every lyric poetry is composed in such a language that every person can understand it easily.
Antony's speech is a turning point for the conspirators. Caesar has been murdered, and the conspirators have explained the situation. Although Antony does not openly disagree with them, we see that he believes the act was wrong when he adresses the crowd. Brutus has already talked to the people, and he argued that Caesar was killed out of love for Rome. Antony, however, turns the crowd against them. He reminds the people of everything that Caesar did for Rome. By carefully presenting his arguments, he succeeds in turning the crowd against the conspirators.
Whose is the correct option (d)
Algunos de los ideales que guiaron la lucha de Nelson Madela fueron equidad y justicia, servicio, dignidad y no racialismo.
Answer: she smokes her first cigarette as a way to adulthood