<em>The Minerals Management Service (MMS)</em>
In 2010 Deepwater Horizon project exploded and killed 11 people causing also the largest oil spill in US history.
The MMS was the federal agency responsible for overseeing offshore drilling, however, they had received financial favors (bribes) from oil companies and had a severe conflict of interest, they ignored science and underestimated environmental impacts in order to ensure the speedy approval of oil industry projects among other acts of negligence. The MMS was in part responsible for this event, or at the very least for not handling correctly.
Answer:The Earth's lithosphere is relatively hard rigid-like whereas, the asthenosphere is relatively hot and plastic-like
Explanation: The surface of the lithosphere has the rocks which can bent but does not flow , that is having rigid nature whereas the asthenosphere has comparatively have a flow in nature and are considered as plastic-natured .The lithosphere is segmented into rigid plates that are present on top of the flowing asthenosphere.
It is stated that the hard rocks don not flow while the flow can be seen in the plastic -like rocks.
Earth is at perihelion when it is closest to the Sun, sometime after the Dcember Solstice.