Bush says Gorbachev supports change.
Bush thinks their relationship is improving.
According to George Bush's speech in Bush-Gorbachev News Conference in Malta, he described the changes in Europe and the Soviet Union as progressive.
He comments that Gorbachev, the Soviet leader supports peaceful change in Europe and that he believes that their relationship is improving.
Colonial opposition to British attempts to impose greater control over the colonies and to make them repay the crown for its defense of them during the French and Indian War.
A and C
With more land able to be cultivated by animals. More land can be used if there is more than one beast of burden.
a. I think its because tariffs back then helped the northern manufacturing by decreasing foreign comp.
b. Because, the Tariff, AND his Beputy would lock southerners up fer runnin' shine.
c. Because it hurt them economically, they were forced to buy expensive Northern made products, instead of importing cheap manufacturing goods from Great Britain. Since they had to import almost all of their manufacturing goods.
d. I think It disallowed them from marrying thier siblings
e. cause it made the cost of koolaid and watermelon rise
You could choose any of those.