Colonialism refers to a government policy in which a country establishes its power over other regions and territories. Imperialism is a similar practice, which occurs when a nation extends its rule over another country and people, most often through military, political and economic control.
The practices of colonialism and imperialism have led to a great variety of consequences, both positive and negative.The negatives usually included the death and abuse of indigenous people, or the depletion of natural resources. However, the positive ones often included growth and development.
For example, colonizers often brought new practices to the indigenous people they conquered. These practices often allowed for the development of more organized, more efficient or more stable communities. An example of this could be found in the Roman Empire, which spread Roman law over its conquered territories.
Another consequence is that of improved standards of living for most or some of the population. For example, the British government made some changes in India that improved the life of a large percentage of the population, such as the introduction of the railroad, schools, and better sanitation.
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act is also known as US Tariff Act of 1930. It was a legislation to raise the import duties so the American farmers and businesses could be protected. The legislation got its name from Willis Hawley of Oregon and Reed Smoot of Utah.
Smoot was a senator from Utah and chairman of the Senate Finance Committee while Hawley was chariman of House Ways and Means committee. It was most harsh protectionist tariff in the country's history and raised the import tax by 40 percent.
It was done because American farmers were facing declining prices and competition after first world war during 1920s and the government wanted to improve their situation. The legislation was passed by narrow margin(44-42) and president Hoover signed the bill on June 17, 1930 and it became a law.
The Europeans developed in the mathematics. arts. literature and astronomy
the power of kings and queens is limited.
the power of kings and queens is limited.
only the chosen leader should make laws.
a government should not hold free elections.
people have no right to free speech.