Honestly i dont know why this is the memory that pops up but it reminds me of when i started taking care of my sister
Humans destroy beauty
Humans are selfish in nature and they are always self-centered. Everything that is essential for them is destroyed by them for their own benefits. The same idea is described by the poet here. He says that honeysuckle is a beautiful flower but since it is sweet in nature and it is edible so humans would not look at its beauty rather they would try to eat it too and destroy this beauty of nature.
I'm pretty sure it's because Darry slapped
Even if every step seems difficult, you should keep trying, for the best things are worth fighting for.
Compound sentence
I did my very best to write a good cover letter, and I finally sent my application to my favorite company for review.
Complex sentence
Whenever the rain falls, I remember how important the simple things are, and I feel glad to be where I am.
A compound sentence is a sentence which contains more than one independent clause which is linked by either a comma, a conjunction or a semicolon.
A complex sentence is a sentence which has at least one independent clause and a dependent clause.
A compound-complex sentence is a type of sentence which has at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.