It is clear there is tension in this passage because of the way Grete handles Gregor's food. The fact that she is using a rag and not her bare hands shows that she is slightly uncomfortable in the situation and is not willing to touch something he might have touched directly. </span>
This is a type of sentence wherein its execution is postponed until a later specified time. Determinate or Fixed Sentence: This is a general sentence for a fixed amount of time, not generally subject to modification or adjustment; Final Sentence: This is final sentence rendered that puts a complete closing to the criminal ...
Imagery is important in poems because it can allow readers to taste, touch, smell, see, or even hear what is happening in a poem. Sometimes authors are able to cause readers to empathize with their poems by evoking a certain feeling that they want their readers to feel. Also, imagery allows readers to better understand an author's meaning of what occurs in a poem.
If rowlandson's are talking about their selves then that means it is first person point of view