Try not to stress and juat do your best.
After being caught in Japanese waters, and taken prisoners, Louie and Phil were treated nicely and with respect while on the ship, good food and treats, medical care and so on; they even were untied from time to time. But while off the ship on Execution Island they were brutally handled and physically abused, they were put in small cells, no medical care and with meager food, no dignity neither humanity.
When quote marks are used internet search engine searches for exact phrase. It does not separate words. If there were not used quote marks it would show all pages containing words American and folklore.
Key word AND means that internet search engine will show only pages that contain what is before and after that word.
The given search gives results that include entire phrase "American Folklore" and that have word "ghosts inside the page.
Correct answer is: Hits with the entire phrase American Folklore about ghosts.
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