The king cannot raise taxes without permission from Parliament.
Benevolence refers to the act of giving money to needy people or organizations. A tax is some type of financial charge levied upon a taxpayer by a governmental organization.
The quote ''No man should be compelled to make or yield any Gift, Loan, Benevolence, Tax, or such like Charge, without Common Consent by Act of Parliament'' stated that the king cannot raise taxes without permission from Parliament.
The main reason why Christianity spread in the Byzantine Empire is that decades prior to the emergence of the Empire, Roman Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, with they Edict of Milan, which he decreed in 313 AD.
We must remember that the Byzantine Empire is simply the Eastern Roman Empire, and when the Middle Ages started, the Byzantine Empire held land that had been christianizing for a over a century. Only a few areas of the Empire had to christianized in the Middle Ages, essentially areas at the edges of the Empire.
D) Welfare is the correct answer.
Both Medicare and Medicaid were developed by President Lyndon B. Johnson
Guarantee people certain rights, and hold authority (King John) to certain rules.