Thank you so much for reminding me!
The chosen recipe was that of Khichuri.
To prepare Khichuri, you will need rice, cauliflower, lentils, oil, water, cauliflower, peas, cloves and cinnamon (or other spices). You will need to wash the rice and lentils and leave them in a bowl while preparing the other ingredients. Then he said, it is necessary that you cook the potatoes and the cauliflower and also reserve them.
You should take all the spices you have selected and bake them in the hot oil, after that you should put the rice inside that oil with the spices and mix for about 5 minutes.
Finally, you should add water, peas, potatoes, the cabbage and cook. Cooking takes about 10 minutes.
This food is healthy because it has a variety of vegetables, which are beneficial for many elements in our body, leaving us strong and nourished, besides, this is a very delicious food.
thou will not forget that thou art wolf? Men will not make thee forget? Said gray brother, anxiously.
I go to K12 school that is how i know.