change it to a comma and uncapitalize the b in because
Answer: Every 20 minutes on the Trail, Bryson and Katz walk more than the average American walks in a week. Bryson thinks it’s odd that Americans drive such short distances instead of walking them. He even knows a woman who drives to the gym to walk on a treadmill, instead of just walking outside. In many parts of the United States, there aren’t even pedestrian sidewalks. The duo refresh in Waynesboro, where most commercial life has spread to strip malls, leaving most of the downtown area kind of empty. Bryson is looking for insect repellant and asks for directions to a store. The man he asks is shocked that Bryson plans to walk the 1.5 miles to the store and back instead of driving.
best answer
The setting of small fires was a common way to clear forest land for
farming and railroad construction. The whole summer of 1871 was
unusually dry, and all the trees and grass were unusually flammable.
The high winds that blew in with a cold front on October 8 of that year
whipped up many small fires into a single enormous one, which killed
between 1,500 and 2,500 people.
That was the same day as the great Chicago fire, and there were also
major fires on the same day on the other side of Lake Michigan, that
destroyed large parts of towns in Michigan.