संकेतवाचक वाक्य
वह वाक्य जिनमें एक क्रिया या दूसरी क्रिया पर पूरी तरह से निर्भर हो, उन वाक्य को संकेतवाचक वाक्य कहा जाता है।
और यहाँ पर एक क्रिया दूसरी क्रिया पर निर्भर है इसलिए यह संकेतवाचक वाक्य है
Answer: In Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have A Dream” speech, he was telling the people that he had a dream in which his children would grow up in a world that did not have hate or discrimination, he wanted true freedom from racism for the colored people.
Answer: maybe or maybe not .
Answer: Thanks to all of you we have found some new ways to experience the school life and a new normal with our friends and families thank you everyone for being willing to change to the new normal.