Indicate whether each description applies to a specific group of gymnosperms or to all gymnosperms. drag each item to the approp
riate bin. view available hint(s) resethelp all species produce cones pines undergo alternation of generations leaves have fanlike appearanceredwoodsonly one living species todayhave palmlike leavesseeds do not form in an enclosed structureincludes three genera that vary greatly in appearance cycads only ginkgos only gnetophytes only confires only
As you can see in the table presented below, all of the gametophytes have seeds do not form in an enclosed structure and <span>undergo alternation of generations (marked in purple) The gingkos were widespread in the distant past, but are now presented with only one species with fan-like leaves, the Gingko Biloba. (green) The gnetophytes have three genera with very different looking species. One of the most iconic ones being the Welwitschia mirabilis often called the wise man's beard. (blue) The conifers include redwoods, like sequoias and all, have pines as leaves and produce cones. (brown)</span>
I'm not 100% sure which biology class you are in are you doing the moth activity? If so then I would believe that the light moth would be easier to see on a dark tree trunk