in the sweet hereafter by russell banks, mitchell stephens (a lawyer) approachs billy ansel at one point and offers billy legal representation. billy however refuses mitchell's offer of legal representation. billy doesn't want to be involved in a lawsuit like the other parents of children who died in the bus accident do because no amount of money can bring billy's children (his twins) back to him. billy has no need for money for his loss and does not want it either.
Gerund or present participle
36/24 = 1.5 gallons of water per hour
36 represents the gallons of water the dairy cow drank in a day
24 represents the amount of hours in that day
Blank 1: Mechanical
Blank 2: teeth
Blank 3: Chemical
Blank 4: saliva
The above are correct.
Mechanical digestion refers to the physical break down of food particles by the teeth. This process involves grinding, breaking, masticating and tearing of food substances with the teeth. This is done in order to make the food substances smaller for chemical digestion.
The chemical digestion further breaks the smaller food particles into absorbable particles. This is carried out by some enzymes found in the saliva. These enzymes are secreted in the digestive tract and it then breaks the chemical bond holding food particles together.
Therefore, mechanical digestion is done by the teeth while chemical digestion is done by the saliva.