physical futures conversation
The given clause, "whoever wins the contest a savings bond" is a subordinate or a dependent clause. This kind of clause does not convey a complete thought and needs the main sentence in order to make it understandable. This subordinate clause is connected to the main clause with the subordinating conjunction "whoever".
and I have been the best to make it to be the best
It's christians birthday! All of his friends are there to open presents with him, eat cake, and just celebrate his birthday. Christian finally gets to break the piñata. Everyone is getting ready to go run to get the candy.
What if the two people are put in a room together randomly, and they need to figue out how to get out, the have no memory of who they were before, until they get out. For example, the clock stopped at a certain time and the numbers would be the combination to get out. It would be interesting if they hated eachother before hand but that could turn out super cheesy.