The second one I think so
Habit is a regular tendency or practice that humans do. They adopt a habit or used to a habit because custom in our society, the way many people do certain actions or performances. Hence, habit is closely related to custom in way transition is related to volta. Vlota is an Italian word which means to turn the idea or argument. In Petrarchan sonnet, transition occurs between octave and sestet.
Explanation:The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on June 23, 2005, in Kelo v. New London (545 U.S. 469) that the "public use" provision of the "takings clause" of the 5th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution permits the use of eminent domain for economic development purposes that provide a public benefit.
Organizational Patterns and Signal Words
The organizational pattern of a passage provides an outline for the ideas to flow. Perhaps the most common organizational pattern used in fiction writing is chronological, where ideas flow from one to the next in time order.