In the poem, we note an interesting detail in the last two lines as to why the old woman sees herself as a "terrible fish". The line says,
<em>"In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman / Rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish."</em>
The woman uses such expressions above to show that with the passage of time, her youthfulness like a drowning fish has passed away, bringing old age.
By comparing herself to a fish, she symbolizes her aging self to a fish on land seeking survival after it is taken from its natural habitat.
By using the expression "terrible" she depicts her hopeless condition as regards becoming young again, just as a fish taken from water enters a terrible situation.
His poetic form had to be able to channel what he saw as the poetry inherent in all the infinite activities of life. It's little wonder, then, that he found it necessary to invent a poetic form—free verse—that could give him the freedom to achieve those ends.
Shut off the heater, open all air vents, Schedule regular maintenance, Keep fireplaces clean and well vented and medical attention.
Shut off the heater, open all air vents, Schedule regular maintenance, Keep fireplaces clean and well vented and medical attention should be used by the pilot who suspects carbonmonoxide condition in an aircraft in order to mitigate carbon monoxide poisoning in an aircraft. These ways and methods are used to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning in an aircraft.
He pours quailshot into Smiley’s frog’s mouth, weighing it down.