The geography of the land
One part of the Spanish conquest of the Americas focused on religion: on their need to convert Native Americans to the one true religion. The Spanish viewed Indians as heathen savages who worshipped devils. Therefore, Indians would spend eternity suffering the tortures of hell unless they were saved.
By improving the transportation towards the west, there were multiple benefits, some of which are:
- economy;
Once the transportation was improved, the trade of goods was able to be performed very easily, and this contributed to the development and growth of the western economy.
- migration;
People were able to move much more easily and migrate to the west, but also the improved transportation meant that they can stay in touch with their families and friends on the east, so the west gained a large mass of new settlers.
- development of cities;
Because the economy was quickly developing, and there were more and more people coming in the west, new cities started to rise, and they started to develop and grow very quickly.
Ancient greece map labels are the labeled locations on the Geek map from B.C. 7,000 - > A.D. 200. These labels mark the cities and named locations on greek maps.
> Means less than
- Means From a certain point in time to Another.