# Breathing rate:it decreases breathing rate.
# The effects of tobacco smoke on the respiratory system include:
irritation of the trachea (windpipe) and larynx (voice box)
reduced lung function and breathlessness due to swelling and narrowing of the lung airways and excess mucus in the lung passages
impairment of the lungs’ clearance system, leading to the build-up of poisonous substances, which results in lung irritation and damage
increased risk of lung infection and symptoms such as coughing and wheezing
permanent damage to the air sacs of the lungs.
.#Heart rate.
See the image for decrease in heart rate..
2.Athelets and musician has high capacity to hold air. .
See image for answer...
Government started backing business again and not labor.
Most demands have been met. No work on Saturday, or Sunday. Eight hours of work a day. Jobs started moving to the south, where there was less union.
Then jobs started shifting overseas.
Earn alot of money car makers got richj
Colonial unity, an ongoing struggle, was necessary for preserving freedom. It was imperative that the colonies put aside their differences and unite even during the French and Indian War when they were allies with the British.