A lot of the events of bleeding Kansas took place because during the time the state was going through the process of becoming a slave free state
Explanation:At the start of the twentieth century there were approximately 250,000 Native Americans in the USA – just 0.3 per cent of the population – most living on reservations where they exercised a limited degree of self-government. During the course of the nineteenth century they had been deprived of much of their land by forced removal westwards, by a succession of treaties (which were often not honoured by the white authorities) and by military defeat by the USA as it expanded its control over the American West.
In 1831 the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall, had attempted to define their status. He declared that Indian tribes were ‘domestic dependent nations’ whose ‘relation to the United States resembles that of a ward to his guardian’. Marshall was, in effect, recognising that America’s Indians are unique in that, unlike any other minority, they are both separate nations and part of the United States. This helps to explain why relations between the federal government and the Native Americans have been so troubled. A guardian prepares his ward for adult independence, and so Marshall’s judgement implies that US policy should aim to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream US culture. But a guardian also protects and nurtures a ward until adulthood is achieved, and therefore Marshall also suggests that the federal government has a special obligation to care for its Native American population. As a result, federal policy towards Native Americans has lurched back and forth, sometimes aiming for assimilation and, at other times, recognising its responsibility for assisting Indian development.
What complicates the story further is that (again, unlike other minorities seeking recognition of their civil rights) Indians have possessed some valuable reservation land and resources over which white Americans have cast envious eyes. Much of this was subsequently lost and, as a result, the history of Native Americans is often presented as a morality tale. White Americans, headed by the federal government, were the ‘bad guys’, cheating Indians out of their land and resources. Native Americans were the ‘good guys’, attempting to maintain a traditional way of life much more in harmony with nature and the environment than the rampant capitalism of white America, but powerless to defend their interests. Only twice, according to this narrative, did the federal government redeem itself: firstly during the Indian New Deal from 1933 to 1945, and secondly in the final decades of the century when Congress belatedly attempted to redress some Native American grievances.
Responsibility for the holocaust is the difficulty of an ongoing historical debate that has spanned numerous decades. The debate approximately the origins of the holocaust is referred to as functionalism as opposed to intentionalism. Intentionalists which include lucy dawidowicz argue that adolf hitler planned the extermination of the jewish people as early as 1918, and that he personally oversaw its execution. But, functionalists which includes raul hilberg argue that the extermination plans advanced in tiers, due to initiatives by bureaucrats who had been responding to other policy disasters. The debate has settled to a massive diploma as historians have conceded that both positions have merit. The primary obligation for the holocaust rests on hitler and the nazi celebration leadership, but operations to persecute jews, gypsies, and others had been additionally perpetrated by the schutzstaffel (ss), the wehrmacht, regular german citizens as well as by using collaborationist individuals of diverse ecu governments, inclusive of their soldiers and civilians alike. A bunch of things contributed to the surroundings under which atrocities were dedicated across the continent, starting from general racism (such as antisemitism), spiritual hatred, blind obedience, political opportunism, coercion, profiteering, and xenophobia.
They resulted in little or no change
Revise the articles of confederation.