plain and pragmatic
Franklin's writing style is plain and pragmatic, almost journalistic. When describing the events he includes in the Autobiography, he's direct about what happens to him and how he feels about it. If we were living in 1786, we'd probably understand him perfectly. Franklin's committed to involving readers in his text, almost like he's talking directly to us. For example, he opens his autobiography by saying:
"Now imagining it may be equally agreeable to you to know the Circumstances of my Life, many of which you are yet unacquainted with; and expecting a Week's uninterrupted Leisure in my present Country Retirement, I sit down to write them for you. "
The verbs would be hear and saw.
Hithcock believes that his audience is moved to the suspense that is affected by the characters, but they like to "play God" and have access to the information before them. Thus Hitchcock states that by showing the public the secrets that the characters do not know, the audience is motivated and anxious to know how these stories will come about and will work hard to disseminate and leaflet the stories for other people to know about them.
This sentence shows how Hitchcock's stories grow and flourish over time, being his purpose for writing, creating stories that are not outdated, as the exciting thing is to see their unfolding and not a possible surprise.
Loving with restraint is the key to long-lasting love.
<em>"Therefore love moderately; long love doth so;"</em>
As the whole play portrays apassionate love tends to not last, that is why he states that love should be meant to last, then it shouls be rationed.