The per capita birth rate of the population will increase.
Fecundity refers to the ability of an organism in order to produce more number of offsprings. This leads to the increase in the number of population of lizards which is facilitated due to the increasing rainfall. In addition to this, the high abundance of rainfall also allows the number of predators to increase as a result of which it becomes difficult for them to survive.
From the above condition, it can be generalized that the population of lizard will increase at a much higher rate.
Oriente y Occidente son direcciones ... ¿la pregunta dice más?
eso si es una pregunta legítima :)
place, space, and scale
A geographer investigate issues from the view point of location according to place, space and the scale.
The place is an element of location that describes the position or the domain of occurrence of issue.
Space refers the area occupied by a body or the area where an issue is domiciled.
The scale refers to the magnitude at which an issue is view or observed.
Geographers tends to synthesize and combine these different lenses to observe and investigate an issue. Almost everything on earth can be correlated spatially using these lenses.
The second largest continent is Africa , the worlds largest desert is Sahara desert and the worlds longest river is amazon
All the answers are correct look at a map.