Answer: Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack
During the 1862 Battle of Hampton Roads, the CSS Virginia took part in the first naval battle between ironclads when it fought the Union ship, the B. Monitor. In fact, the CSS Virginia was built of the remnants of the Merrimack which is why the battle is also known and the Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack
The weaknesses of the union are: Lack of capable military leaders, fighting on vast, unfamiliar territory, and longer routs for delivering supplies. The weaknesses of the CSA are: Small naval force, shortage of men and supplies, and less money and fewer factories.
Truman implemented this in response to two threats one being a communist-led uprising against the government in Greece and two being Soviet demands for some control of Turkey's Dardanelles. It was implemented in Berlin when Truman ordered U.S. planes to fly supplies to the people of West Berlin in response to the Soviet Union's 11 month blockade on Berlin.. or something among those lines
Manifest Destiny is the belief that the US would one day expand across the whole American continent. So, with that in mind, it effected minorities because they were being pushed out of their lands as the US acquired the new territories.
Absolutism and revolution portfolioThe rights a citizen should have is something everyone around the world has askedthemselves at least once. There are things to consider like what is the humane way to handle thisand what are some components to the issue, that should be thought about before a decision ismade. As a matter of fact, the rights a citizen should have is freedom of religion, right to a fairtrial by the jury, and the right for equal protection under the law. Additionally, the first amendment is something very important to the American citizensand at the time when it was ratified it was lifechanging. On December 15, 1791 the amendmentwas ratified and mentioned something important that would give us the citizens the rights wehave today. Freedom of religion was one of the many things mentioned in the amendment andeven nowadays there isn’t freedom to do such in some countries. Privileged is an understatementto what America has made its citizens and immigrants who have decided to live there.