Answer: A claim should be based on an argurment.
Answer: The Cold War had affected international relations in different ways first and for most, the Cold War divided the world into three distinct camps, the NATO camp, the Warsaw camp, and the nonaligned. The first two camps were armed with nuclear weapons. The rivalry between the two superpowers quickly spread to the rest of the world.
1. Fish
2. Meat
3. Fresh breadcrumbs and dry breadcrumbs
4. Oil, Acid like vinegar or lemon juice, Something Salty or something sweet, Herbs, Vegetables onions garlic scallion cilantro chile
5. Aromatics like garlic, onion, or shallots provide a deep flavor base on which other flavors can be built. Herbs and spices, either dried or fresh, can be added to the marinade for extra layers of flavor. Salt is also an important part of the seasoning process. Salt helps magnify the other flavors added to the marinade.
nothing I think it looks amazing
art that does not portray figures or objects; art without real models or subject ... on formal elements (the visual elements, design principles) to carry its message ... elements, such as a line, shape, color, texture, that are used by artists to create imagery ... using a series of closely spaced parallel lines to achieve a similar effect.