Since this the title is depicting one's personal life I in the Chinese Prison it would be A. Autobiography. This is where personal information about who the person is and his/her back story and upbringing are provided along with any major struggles and hurdles that they had overcome.
Finn the Red–Handed had stolen a skillet and a quantity of half–cured leaf tobacco, and had also brought a few corn–cobs to make pipes with. But none of the pirates smoked or "chewed" but himself.
My favorite toy as a child was a Finona plusie. I loved this toy because at the time Shrek was my favorite movie. Her hair was braid with yarn. Her dress was green and velvet with golden details on the torso. She had a crown attached to her head. This toy was given to me by my mother.
All of them, which is 37 or 36, because they are all important to people, some have life lessons, and some are just entertaining. Plays were one of the things that made Shakespeare famous apart from poems or sonnets.