Nouns: a person, place, thing,or idea like robin, and dogs verb: an action word like scared adjetive:describes a noun like BIG dogs
I think the correct answer would be B.
I would rather have super sensitive taste because, it would be fun tasting spicy foods and sour foods. I also believe that super sensitive hearing could be very painful. I don’t think that having super sensitive tasting would be painful so that’s another reason I would prefer it.
In the binary (good vs. evil) epic world of Beowulf, the king is a defender of law and order, and Grendel is the villain who challenges these principles. But neither the king nor Grendel act on their own. The king is God's representative on Earth and a protector of all his subjects. On the other hand, Grendel is not an ordinary villain or a monster. He is the descendant of Cain, Biblical figure who killed his own brother. As a creature of hell, he mustn't touch the king's throne, which is God's endowment. In other words, the one who symbolizes the Devil must stay away from God's symbols.