A compound predicate has a subject in the sentence that is doing more than one action and is shared by two or more verbs, plus a conjunction.
So I would say the answer is B
Many people die in the end and the main character suffers bad luck
A tragic work will not usually have a happy ending so many people like, it often involves many tragedies (as the title mentions) and may not turn out well for the protagonist in the end.
Because a C atom can form as many as 4 other atoms
Debido a que un átomo de C puede formar enlaces covalentes con hasta otros cuatro átomos, es muy adecuado para formar el esqueleto básico o la columna vertebral de una macromolécula.
There are many grammar rules but the most essential ones are: nouns, adjectives, verbs, punctuation, and speech.
It also influences viewers' attitudes and beliefs about themselves, as well as about people from other social, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. Between the 1940s and 2000s, commercial television had a profound and wide-ranging impact on American society and culture.