In an essay published in 1961, Robert Kelly coined the term "deep image" in reference to a new movement in American poetry. Ironically, the term grew in popularity despite the critical disapproval of it by the group's leading theorist and spokesperson, Robert Bly. Speaking with Ekbert Faas in 1974, Bly explains that the term deep image "suggests a geographical location in the psyche," rather than, as Bly prefers, a notion of the poetic image which involves psychic energy and movement (TM 259).1 In a later interview, Bly states:
Let's imagine a poem as if it were an animal. When animals run, they have considerable flowing rhythms. Also they have bodies. An image is simply a body where psychic energy is free to move around. Psychic energy can't move well in a non-image statement. (180)
Such vague and metaphorical theoretical statements are characteristic of Bly, who seems reluctant to speak about technique in conventional terms. Although the group's poetry is based on the image, nowhere has Bly set down a clear definition of the image or anything resembling a manifesto of technique. And unlike other "upstart" groups writing in the shadow of Pound and Eliot, the deep image poets-including Bly, Louis Simpson, William Stafford, and James Wright-lacked the equivalent of the Black Mountain group's "Projective Verse," or even, as in the Beats' "Howl," a central important poem which critics could use as a common point of reference. This essay, then, attempts to shed some light on the mystery surrounding the deep image aesthetic. It traces the theory and practice of Robert Bly's poetic image through the greater part of his literary career thus far.
I would love to help but this question is too vague, can you please explain what symbols and what poem?
not very relevant
the american mindset is that most people want to be famous or rich (henceforth the idea of hollywood it is just a name but the fact that we think of rags to riches) so in my view some one who would say that would be someone who already has it all
but some one who would deny whould be some one with a bhuddist background as they are not focused on the material world
Sara suddenly became very ill; therefore,she went to see her doctor.
A semicolon is most commonly used to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses that are closely related in thought.
When used to join two or more ideas (parts) in a sentence, those ideas are then given equal position or rank.
You cannot use a semicolon to list off objects, such as letter a and b.
You also can't use one in the middle of a sentence, like the third sentence.