OC. music festival organizers providing a quick update about an offer on ticket prices
An organization that has several quick updates on ticket sales for a music festival is an example of how an organization can use a microblog efficiently. That's because a microblog is a virtual platform that allows for short and quick updates in the form of text and/or images. The main feature of the microblog is the speed of updates, which are made with very short texts that are easily shared with many users.
B. Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.
The Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. conducts all kinds of security certifications, including electrical equipment, that's why you see the circular UL Certified logo on every electrical device sold in the US, including all electronic devices.
The National Fire Prevention Association develops standards for electricity installations in the workplace, the National Electric Code (for buildings) and other similar.
The National Electrical Manufacturers Association sets norms for the generation and transportation of energy, for the power providers.
Certified Ballast Manufacturers is just an association of electric ballast makers.