Carolina You like alex? , yes?
Martha What? Where is the blue sweater that i want to buy?
Carolina I don't know... in don't see it. Look, here i got you a blue dress. Oh no Alex, I don't like those pants! And the vest is very big for you!
Alex So, i am going to find other pants and a smaller vest
Carolina I'ts ok, you also need a black belt
Alex Here there aren't any. But i know a shop where we can buy one
Carolina Perfect! Martha, are you going to dress?, i want to see how the dress fits you
Marta Here i go! Do i wear this for the movie?
Alex It fits you well
Carolina No! i prefer this squared dress
the answer is A. Imperfecto progresivo.
The progressive imperfect is used to express something that was taking place in the past. It is formed using the verb to be in past (in this case: estaba) plus the verb ending in ing (ando, endo, in this case: cantando). It is mainly used for: on-going actions that were happening in the past.
It’s à i was born in a Spanish family :)
The most common types of chemical reactions are synthesis, decomposition, single displacement, double displacement, combustion and acid-base. However, such categorization is not exclusive. For example, an acid-base reaction can also be classified as a double displacement reaction.