1934 argument over who’s get the food and who’s do the laundry hope I helped !
Answer: is that spanish
Explanation: Eso es español
If a child of a Russian noble didn't learn mathematics, that child was not allowed to marry. The Great Sovereign at that time, Peter I, decreed in 1699 that the New Year's celebration switch to January 1 from September 1. He also decreed that children between 10 and 15 had to learn mathematics in order to get married. This didn't apply to children of freeholders and government clerks. After children mastered math, they were given marriage certificates written in their own handwriting. If they didn't master the subject, they weren't allowed to be given these certificates, and thus, couldn't marry.
Answer: George Washington
One reason factory owners employed children because they were significantly cheaper than hiring an adult. "the child is paired one shilling or one shilling and six pence". This shows that it's more cost efficient to hire a child.
Another reason factory owners employed children because of their size. Here is a quote to support this "The smallest child in the factories were scavengers they go under the machine". This shows that if the child is smaller they can do more dangerous jobs than an adult.