option 2 most major cities begin next to bodies of water
The distance between scale markings on the horizontal scale is 100 km. Comparison of the vertical and horizontal scales indicates that the horizontal scale distance between tic marks is __<u>100</u>_ times that of the vertical scale.
The tides would occur at a much lower intensity.
Tides are caused by two main factors, the moon, and the wind. The moon plays a bigger part. SO, if the moon were to suddenly begone, scientists estimate that there would still be tides, but just much smaller, maybe about 1/3 of their original size.
It is because we are, this is the first time in human history, where we have technology and science is widely accepted, without being ridiculed by religious figures. We are truly out of the dark ages and the basic humanity of a few hundred years ago and we are now in the age of light, where people can be cured of many ailments and you don't even have to get up from your lazy buttocks to get food, you can just shout at a machine to do it.
Almost each and every activities of human beings are being done with the support of science and technology.We take support pf science and technology in educational field banks industrial sector as well as in home .Without science and technology ,nobody can imagine for luxurious life in this world.Due to these reasons,modern world is called age of science and technology.
hope it helps :)
The earliest of civilizations were based around river valleys. This allowed them to irrigate fresh water to their crops allowing for better farming and therefore, bigger and better civilizations.