madal,sarangee,basuriand murali,,pungi,tyamko ,sanai,jhurma,damahaetc
Madal is one of the famous folk musical instruments associated with our culture and lifestyle. It is believed that it was first introduced by the Magar community, it is equally famous and used by almost all of the Nepalese society. MadalThis instrument is made especially with skin stretched over both of the ends of a wooden hollow tube and tightened with leather strings. Madal is drum played by hand beating on both sides. The madal has a strand that goes around the waist of the person playing it to hold it horizontally. Playing technique involves rhythmic struck one either ends (heads) with palm. The heads vibrate to produce sound when struck. It is mostly used in Nepali folk song. No one can still stand when people start, beating madals singing Nepali folk song (Nepali lok geet).
Sarangee is a traditional folk musical instrument especially played by Gandharva. It is a popular string-instrument made of a piece of wood, the bottom of which is made a hollow and four pieces of strings are fastened tightly with four wooden nails fixed on the top of it. It is played by rubbing on a group of strings especially left and right repeatedly with a small stick, which is fastened with some strings. Sarangee resembles the violin in western culture. Sarangi in Nepal is played from so many years. It has its own famous rhythms and tones. Sarangi in Nepal has been used as a instrument used to convey the message and news across tSarangihe country. The Gandharvas used to travel across the nation and go home to home sing the song of current affairs and earn some money. That was kind of messenger tradition.
Basuri and Murali
These are made from pieces of bamboo by making generally 6 holes on it. The six holes represent the musical notes. Both of these instruments are similar in nature and played by blowing air through mouth. A little difference between these two is that Murali is played likeMurali flute/trumpet holding by lips and slops downwards whereas the Basuri is kept horizontally (exactly how lord Krishna played in Mathura and Brindavan) . Both of these instruments produce almost same types of sound. These are also famous all over the country. In eastern culture flute represents lord Krishna. The names Murali and Basuri are synonyms and used alternately in some languages.
Panchai baja
Panche baja is called so because it is the group of five musical instruments played together. The five musical instruments in panche baja are.
Jhyamta/Jhurma (Cymbal): It is one of the Panchhai Baja. It is a couple of flat round dish-like musical instrument made of brass or bronze, played by beating on each other.
Narsingha (A Trumpet): It is one of Panchaibaja Bajas made of two pieces curved copper tube that is played by blowing air through its mouthpiece.Panche Baja Set
Nagara/Damaha (A Drum): It is also one of the panchhai Baja. It is made of leather stretched over an end of a hollow copper bowl played by hitting with hands or sticks.
Sanai (A kind of clarinet): It is one of the Panchhai Baja. It is made of a metal shaped like a pipe slightly bent forward has couple of holes, reed on the top that you blow into.
Tyamko: It is also one of the Panchai Baja. It is similar to Damaha in shape but very small in size, played with two pieces of sticks called Gajo.
Khainjadi (A tambourine)
It is a kind of small drum made of skin stretched over an edge of a rounded hollow wood. It isKhaijadi played especially on the occasion of singing a kind of song called Roila and Balam.
Pungi (Bin)
It is made of a harder cover of coconut by fixing some pieces of bamboo on it. It is specially played by snake charmers to make snakes dance especially in Terai regions.