I think it's the quarter note we measure all other notes against because you can fit anything into a quarter or fit a quarter into any other length of a note like a whole note.
The early box camera was developed by D. George Eastman.
!5 is the answer!! Leonardo da Vinci (baptised Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci) ( pronunciation (help. info)), (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519) was one of the leading artists of the High Latt. Fifteen works are generally attributed either in whole or in large part to him.
By showing objects on the table from various vantage points at the same time.
The principles of design are harmony, variety, balance, proportion, emphasis, and rhythm.
Harmony creates the impression of unity. Typically directors and designers seek to harmonize the parts of each setting or costume and to relate the various settings and costumes in such a way that all are clearly parts of a whole.Explanation: