The campaign for vaccination against influenza is an important moment in a society, as it prevents people who are more susceptible to the disease from being protected with antibodies that will not let them be infected by the disease, preventing them from transmitting to others.
For this vaccination campaign to be a success, it is important that there is strong dissemination throughout the country, so that all citizens become aware of the vaccination and do not miss this opportunity. It is at this point that the advertising campaign is important, not only to publicize the campaign, but to show it attractive to the population, showing the importance of serving it.
With this, the government has an advertising team that will use persuasive techniques, in addition to a flashy and innovative design. However, the announcement will be of an expository nature, showing the places and times of vaccination, thus showing that vaccination will be a simple, easy and uncomplicated process.
The advertising team is also important to make media ads to be broadcast on television, radio and other media, thus reaching a much larger audience and once again, highlighting the importance of the campaign, always through expository, explanatory and direct techniques.
In this way, we can conclude that the vaccination campaign depends directly on the advertising campaign to obtain full success, because without efficient advertising, the dissemination of the campaign is compromised and cannot reach the priority public for vaccination.