By offering different perspective.
Popular historical events, tend to be written from the perspective of the 'Winners'. Even if those winners were doing something unethical during the events, they can cover it by justifying their actions through some sort of divine will or missions.
The perspective from non-European histories offered a different perspective on the colonization.
In the past, colonization's were generally praised as something good. The Europeans masked it as some sort of mission to help other countries in the world improve their civilization. But, they didn't mention the dark side of it. Only after examining non-European histories the world aware of the human exploitation, resources exploitation, and the military's conflicts that's caused by the colonization.
It was a major turning point because there were some battles in World War I that ended in stalemates and ended mobile operations on the western front until 1918
El Senado de los Estados Unidos de América rechazó el Tratado de Versalles, significando que quedaba por fuera de la Sociedad de Naciones.
El Senado de los Estados Unidos de América rechazó el Tratado de Versalles, firmado el 28 de junio de 1.919 y entrado en vigor el 10 de enero de 1.920, tras dos votaciones: noviembre de 1.919 y marzo de 1.920, significando que este país no incluyó ese tratado entre los documentos de derecho internacionales reconocido, no siendo firmado por aquel país, el cual no hizo parte de la Sociedad de Naciones.
Answer: Ireland, and Germany.
The person who wrote the book the origin species is ::::Charles Darwin::::