There are two forms for the Imperfect Subjunctive in Spanish. The -se form is considered the traditional form of the imperfect subjunctive, while the -ra is derived from an old Latin indicative form. Both are almost interchangeable in modern Spanish... So yes.
This sentences must be solved using the PRESENTE INDICATIVO:
Question 1
Vicente y Francisco JUEGAN al vóleibol los domingos.
Question 2
Adela y yo EMPEZAMOS a tomar clases de tenis.
Question 3
Ustedes VUELVEN de Cancún el viernes.
Question 4
Los jugadores de béisbol RECUERDAN el partido importante .
Question 5
La profesora MUESTRA las palabras del vocabulario .
Question 6
Adán PREFIERE escalar la montaña de noche.
Question 7
(yo) ENTIENDO el plan de estudios .
Question 8
(tú) CIERRAS los libros y te vas a dormir.
1. De donde eres
which means where are you from? All the others mean how are you?, Whats new? and How is it going?
2. De nada
which means you're welcome, All the others mean goodbye, see you later, and see you tomorrow. Which are all ways of saying goodbye.
3. La siento
which means I can feel it, All the others mean you're welcome, delighted, and and the pleasure is mine.