César fue señor de Roma y se hizo cónsul y dictador. Usó su poder para llevar a cabo una reforma muy necesaria, aliviar la deuda, ampliar el Senado, construir el Foro Iulium y revisar el calendario. La dictadura siempre se consideró una posición temporal, pero en el 44 a. C., César la quitó de por vida. El asesinato de Julio César, que ocurrió en el 44 a. C., se produjo como resultado de una conspiración de hasta 60 senadores romanos. Liderados por Cayo Casio Longino y Marco Junio Bruto, apuñalaron fatalmente a César en Roma, cerca del Teatro de Pompeyo
The principle of Federalism is most reflected in the US Government & the Constitution's limits on the Federal Government's powers and the reservation of powers for the States. This is set forth clearly in the 10th amendment.
Federalism is evident throughout Government. An example of the US Department of Education. Education is a power reserved to the States and so the US Department of Education funds projects and ensures equity but the power to set curriculums is done by the States.
The Louisiana Purchase is imperative to the United States since it helped us grow over the mainland. We purchased this enormous land parcel for $15 million and multiplied the size of the US. We got the opportunity to investigate new land and work towards accomplishing Manifest Destiny, the possibility that the US ought to grow over the mainland.