with a metapjor it is easy to express your self without a more direct or personal feeling. It also helps the reader to capture a bigger idea or expression.
just. this means she does things based on what is morally right.
jubilant. this means she is often excited, rejoicing. overly happy.
joyful. this is similar to jubilant, but means less celebratory and more happy.
why these words could be used to describe jane goodall: wanting to observe and be around the chimpanzees not only to end curiosity, but help people learn more about them so that this knowledge could be used later when learning how to protect them could be considered just and morally right. being able to accomplish so much and just be around happy chimps and know that people support what she did could have made her rather jubilant and celebratory, especially when learning new things about chimps that others had not known before then. she seemed to be an overall happy person, especially around the animals, and people have never really described her as a miserable person to be around. this could make her joyful.
Story Elements<span>. Setting; Characters; Plot; </span>Conflict<span>; Resolution; Point of View; Theme. Setting. Setting is ... This part of the </span>story<span> begins to </span><span>develop the conflict.</span>
He avenges Caesar and killed himself by running into his own sword.
After having learned of the death of his allies, Cassius and Titinius, Brutus attempt one last time to battle the Romans commanded by Antony and Octavius but lost.
During the battle he saw the ghost of Caesar and believed that it was his time to die, so he asked to one of his men to hold his sword while he runs against it to kill himself. He impaled himself and declared that Caesar should himself avenged.
I hope this answer helps you.
Poem with don't
When the roses wilt
When the sky clouds
When the day ends
When darkness comes
Whispers are heard
Don't explore
Don't wonder
And thats what they said to her
For that was never the solution.
As she faced the whispers
Everyone's words washed away.
When she faced the whispers
She never had anything else to say