How can you review your grades on the Ashworth Student Portal?
Learning at Ashworth Exam
Click on Profile from the homepage.
Click on Account, and then Shipments.
Click on Account, and then Account History.
Click on View All Grades on the Dashboard, or click on Learning, and then Grades.
One aspect of being a defensive driver is being able to ANTICIPATE the action of others.
Defensive driving skill is defined as driving to save lives, time and money in spite of the conditions around one and the actions of others. Defensive driving allows one to identify hazards quickly in a predictable manner so that an appropriate action can be taken, that is, it allows one to anticipate the move of other drivers and act appropriately.
None of the above! You can use the headlights even if the visibility is way under 1000feet. There are many countries especially in Europe where headlights/daylights must be always on with no regard to visibility conditions. In some cities you will be even given a fine for not having the lights on all the time. But rules vary from country to country...