Because he thought people that were the same were the best people and in his past family were related and had a child and this kept going on so he was mentally insane in the head from this medical condition
hope this helped!!!!
too much government control
A major negative effect of the Progressive era was too much government control which led to political corruption in both the state and national level. Powerful politicians became overpowering to the interest of the public resulting in ineffective government
Wood engraving by Gustave Dore (1832-1883) taken from 'London: a Pilgrimage', published by Grant & Co in 1872. Behind the group of exhausted-looking workers in the foreground, others can be seen stoking the fires beneath the gas retorts, sealed vessels where, at high temperatures, the coal was broken down into tar, coke and gas. From the 19th century, manufactured gas was made by the distillation of coal, predominantly for use in lighting. In 1869, the writer Blanchard Jerrold suggested a collaboration with Dore on a comprehensive portrait of London. Entitled 'London: a Pilgrimage', the book contained 180 engravings and although a commercial success, there were criticisms that Dore had concentrated on the poverty of the city.
D).It protected commercial areas in the South.
There are 3 main rites in the passage:Birth,Puberty and Marriage & Death.
- Rites of Separation:farewells/powhiri
- Rites of Liminality:passport control
- Rites of Reintegration:Housewarming/welcome home parties/hongi.
Rites of passage are the mileposts or landmarks that guide travelers through the life cycle.Arnold van Gennep, writing in 1909 about tribal ritual, first noted the similarities "among ceremonies of birth, childhood, social puberty, betrothal, marriage, pregnancy, fatherhood, initiation into religious societies and funerals."All were rites of passage and consisted of three distinct phases: separation, transition, and incorporation.