<span> Gaius Julius Caesar was perhaps one of the most influential peoples of all time. His historic rise to power and overthrow of the Roman Republic put an estimated 45 million people or around 15-25 percent of the world’s population under his control. Therefore, it is no wonder Caesar has been one of the main subjects of early history and it is also no wonder the Roman culture from 2,000 years ago can still be seen worldwide today. But with every historical event, comes questions as to why or how the event happened in the way it did. Due to Caesar’s rise to power having massive implications for so many people and history, it is necessary and rather interesting to explore how he was able to take over.</span><span>
Representatives of the clergy and members of the nobility would be the people who would be part of the Common Council, while peasants and ordinary people would be left out.
The Common Council was the body created, through the magma letter, to limit the action of the king and act as a type of parliament capable of managing and administering the country in several categories. This council was formed by members of the clergy, such as archbishops, bishops, abbots, counts and great barons of the kingdom; and, by members of royalty. However, ordinary citizens like peasants were left out, which means that they had no kind of representation that could be positive towards them.
<span>A common problem in feudal society that the Church tried to stop during holy days and seasons were private wars among the nobles</span>
La revolución científica influyó en el desarrollo de los valores ilustrados del individualismo porque demostró el poder de la mente humana. ... El poder de los seres humanos para discernir la verdad a través del razonamiento influyó en el desarrollo del valor ilustrado del racionalismo.
Answer: They were put to work
Explanation: Before industrialism children simply helped their parents with the farms, but once factories started appearing labor was the biggest problem, so children were put to work because they could be under paid and mistreated.