Tori's Shaka Triad sculpture is strongly influenced by the Northern Wei Dynasty art that included statues and sculptures carved during the late 6th Century.
The Shaka Triad is consider a Masterpiece. Tori was a very popular sculpture and worked particularly for Prince Shōtoku.
He inherited this traid from his grandfather Shiba Tatto and he became a Buddhist monk in 588.
The style, known for its <em>elaborate bric-a-brac, excessive gingerbread, trim work, and other ornamentation</em> between the 1830s and early 1900s, is the <em>Victorian gingerbread-style</em>.
The Victorian styles used gingerbread architectural styles, consisting of elaborately detailed embellishments with exterior decorations that are sawn or carved.
Thus, the building structures of the 1830s and early 1900s used the Victorian gingerbread-style, with its elaborate bric-a-brac, excessive gingerbread trims and other ornamentations.
Learn more about the Victorian gingerbread-style here:
Near extinction of their population
Geography caused some colonies to become centers of trade, and others to output huge amounts of crops. Geography controlled every detail of the colonies, as well as the rest of the world, and still does to this day. The Mid-Atlantic colonies used their large rivers, fertile soil and open plains for large scale farming.