b and d becuaseregard is the last one and respect is the second one.
Answer: The correct answer is option "E". Be as detailed as possible to avoid confusion.
Explanation: When writing the writer must think about the reader and feel empathy by putting himself in the shoe of the reader. A writer must avoid the use of ambiguous words or vocabularies that the reader will have to consult an encyclopedia before he can digest the message. The writer must be precise and clear and choose his words carefully in order not to confuse the reader.
A writer must always remember that for communication to occur the receiver must understand what the speaker is saying and be able to send a feedback.
The person keeping the minutes describe presentations or hand-outs supplied at a meeting under the category of <u>D. topics</u>.
A topic helps the reader to note what the paragraph or content is about. In general, the topic describes the content or matter of the paragraph. The topic is generally related to the story or essay.
A person prepares presentation for the meeting according to the topic allocated to him. The person prepares the content related to the topic and presents it at the meeting.
The topic and the content should always be related to each other. It would increase the interest of the listener or speaker.
My favorite sport is Basketball, it is a game played between two teams of five players each on a rectangular court, usually indoors. Each team tries to score by tossing the ball through the opponent's goal, an elevated horizontal hoop and net called a basket. The player must bounce, or dribble, the ball with one hand while moving both feet. If, at any time, both hands touch the ball or the player stops dribbling, the player must only move one foot. The foot that is stationary is called the pivot foot. The basketball player can only take one turn at dribbling. In other words, once a player has stopped dribbling they cannot start another dribble. A player who starts dribbling again is called for a double-dribbling violation and looses the basketball to the other team. A player can only start another dribble after another player from either team touches or gains control of the basketball. This is usually after a shot or pass. The basketball must also stay in bounds, if at any point it is off bounds, the other team gets the ball.